yes, so i did a proper personality test in college today apart from all of the other stuff we have been doing we have been getting to know each other lol
it said i am a proper extrovert and i always thought that despite what the online ones said, the online ones have always been wrong about me and i find that very worrying esp if people take these tests online and they are incorrect.
no, it wasnt questions or anything, it was just circling things like ‘funny’ or ‘confident’ and it was good and bad and then we had to put add up the scores and put them on the chart, my chart line was right over at extroverted and online i have always been borderline between the two but this proper one has me as a total extrovert and i think i like that better, i kind of always knew the online ones were wrong but now i guess i have proof haha.
thing with online personality tests is that they tell you your personality type based on questions you answer, the one i was doing was basically i tell them my personality type and then put it on a chart to see, i am also mostly a visual perception type, say what you see kind of guy lol
all my online tests have been wrong but idk what ones i took, mostly the ones we usually take on here, nothing official. this one i took in class made more sense tbh
Do you know what it was called? These personality tests always have some sort of name (usually unusual). For example I know of one called the Myer’s / Briggs personality test (I’m an ENTJ if that means anything to you - extroverted, … i forget all the details.
I took an online introvert/extrovert test. And i got an 11/100 which apparently means hardcore introvert. However it was an online thing so it could be bs