Describe your eyes 👀

No I’m not sure. You’re probably right. Different heterochromia.


I have hazel eyes. A grey-green ring around a light amber brown centre. My mom called them “teddy bear eyes” lol! :laughing: Got my eye colour from my mom and her mom. Out of the four siblings I am the only one with her eyes. My siblings have various shades of blue eyes like my dad or granddads. I’m the exception.

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Just normal brown eyes. I suppose they are much more lively and expressive than when treatment was ineffective.

My eyes, both of them, are dark brown. Part of my Mexican heritage. I think I have nice eyes. I like them. Others seem to like them too.


I have almond-shaped brown eyes.
My left eye has an epicantic fold, but it’s barely noticeable when I wear glasses.

I have dark brown eyes and have often been told I either have crazy eyes or that they seem mischievous, depending on who you ask.

I had crazy eyes when I was having nonstop audible and olfactory, (smell), hallucinations. When the hallucinations disappeared, so did the crazy eyes.

I don’t know but the iris is always pretty in everyone…

I have similar eyes to the photos above, but the yellow is certainly less pronounced. They do turn green in certain lighting.



Just look at the web work of the eye though:

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I have pretty brown/black eyes. They are the only thing I like about my face.

Weird lines coming out of them


Oh man very pretty!

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People have always complimented me on my eyes when I was younger, not so much anymore.

I had big brown eyes with long lashes.


When I was in eighth grade I got compliments from girls that I had long lashes and they were jealous of me… Haven’t got that compliment since though


My eyes slope downward on the outer corners. That’s the Mexican indian in me. My abuelita had those same eyes. So did my father and all of my siblings.

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i have been told a lot that I have dreamy eyes…sometimes they are green sometimes they are gold…

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When I was a young girl and a young woman, I had big, dark brown eyes and very long lashes that I used to emphasize with mascara. I was always getting compliments on my long lashes. Now, I have medium length lashes and I don’t use mascara anymore. Haven’t used it since my early 20’s. I’m 58 now.

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