Describe schizophrenia to others?

I have a “go to” description, but I’m sick of it.

Because of work, people ask a lot and I’m looking for a new way to paint the portrait of insanity.

I know all of our experiences are different, but I’m frequently surprised, and a little alarmed, by how similar we are.

Tell me how you explain schizophrenia to people…


A disease which causes Hell to manifest inside your head.


That is super fair.

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Hell on Earth sounds like a good description


Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. overview


Walking into a 100 mile Maze blindfolded.


Interesting topic! An immediate family member still invalidates my SzA after all these years/all these hospitalizations/all these meds. Just had another reminder of it… :slightly_frowning_face: hurting

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To obey or disobey the voices inside my head?

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I feel your pain… :expressionless:

Thank you - that’s a comfort - despite ALL my doctors diagnosing treatment resistant SzA - this individual says NOT :expressionless:

“My reality is distorted. My thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are distorted, too. It’s hell, but I’m mostly functional.”

If I could, I’d just hand them a printout of what it is, factually, and how it affects people.

To me it is a mental handicap but ultimately not the controller of my happiness or wellbeing.


I’m sorry to hear that,

No one has ever doubted my symptoms or diagnosis,

I image it just compounds the issue.

Maybe they’ll come around,

Its a confusing illness for us, and those around us.

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Thank you for making time to reply/empathize. :black_heart:

It’s extremely difficult when a family member doesn’t want to accept your diagnosis. You’re not alone!


Thank you :sob:

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You’re welcome. :hugs:

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Sz for me is having two people inside my head - me and Alien. Like being taken over sometimes. And having this deadness feeling so much. No emotions or too much emotions misfiring and coming from foreign place not me. Feeling everyone is going to read my mind or harm me. Like seeing or reading something ordinary means something bad is going to happen to me. Feeling impending doom. Want to withdraw to a solitary place.


I thought about this about 5 minutes ago
If I ever had to describe myself to people I would say this “if you want to get to know me, you’ll have to watch what I do. I can talk about myself all I want but what matters is when push comes to shove”


Having a unshared personal reality!

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