Derealization and how to cope, do you get it too?

does anyone else here have derealization? I have it pretty much all the time now. Just want to connect with others who have this. Any comments appreciated. Just trying to cope.


I have chronic derealization.

I’ve been thinking really simply about it lately. Since there’s nothing I can do concretely that will magically make it go away, I’m just gonna ignore the damn problem until it screws off.Lol

How long have you had it? I’ve had it since like two years ago

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I sometimes experience it. Just when i over-think or just plain feel odd. Personally i just try and not think about it at all, turn on some music and try and clear my mind because thinking about it just makes the feeling worse. It sure does suck!

Do you really see yourself as “sad and sick?”

I’ve had severe chronic derealization for four years. It’s getting better though.

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I haven’t officially been diagnosed with anything yet (though there should be some new diagnoses for me in two weeks), but I believe that I have DP/DR after experiencing an event that was very detrimental to my emotional health. I have DP more than I do DR, but I understand how it’s like.

As of now, I don’t really have any methods on dealing with it other than distracting myself to keep myself from worrying about it and making it feel worse. Doing things like drawing or writing can help me. I’m not sure if this works just for DR, but I’ve heard that exercise and eating healthy can help with DP/DR. It could work for yours.

what is derealisation, could you enlighten me

When I get hit with it… I have to go somewhere else (usually a park) and try to ground myself… think about the grass… the trees… if I can accept that as real… I can accept the rest of the park as real… then I can work on getting out of that detached feeling.

Some days I just have to go through the motions that I know I have to go through and hope that I’ll feel back in this world eventually.

I have been noticing… I feel it more when a manic spike is coming on.

cc: @spacemonkey @astefano

Good technique. The DBT (see pros suggest this and other re-grounding techniques at

DBT is currently the #1-rated, professionally peer-reviwed and research-proven psychotherapy for DP and DR, btw.


thanks everyone for the replys. Makes me not feel so alone anymore. I have other serious problems so this added to it really makes my life difficult. I have seizures too. Yes I am sad and sick. I don’t feel that way every day but that is my nick name here.

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how do you feel? how is having derealization? how is your vision?