Deodorant, perfumes

Do you use any in the past or currently?
When i lived in Europe i used deodorants and perfumes regular. These days i can’t be bothered. I was very caring about my appearance but i think i selfneglacting myself. I got diagnosed sz for around 30 years. Today i want to get my beard and hair trimmed but i haven’t got $40. I need to do it myself.

I shave my head and beard since before having sz bcz I am bald. Its easy and free. The Wahl clipper just cost me 20$, its been working for over 10 years.


I use a deodorant all the time, or I’ll stink.

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I like bold as well, but my partner says i look mean and violent being bold.

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I only use anti-perspirant in the summer. I’m ordering some deodorant. Then I’ll be more likely to use it more often. I have some perfume I use sometimes when I’m going out. I get self conscious that the perfume is too strong. There are a lot of people who are sensitive to perfumes. I don’t want to bother anyone.

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I use dove deodorant, (original) was on sale too, I’m allegic to perfumes so have to test stuff first before i can use it

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I use both everyday whether I’m going out or not, it improves my mood. I use a lot of aroma therapy.


I use deodorant everyday I don’t like smelling bad.

As for perfume I use it when I’m going out. Though I have an alter that uses it frequently


I use deodorant but I don’t like putting things like cologne or aftershave on my skin.

Sometimes after I shave I use cocoa butter lotion on my neck and face.


I use an all natural deodorant spray. It works.

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I only use deodorant if I go out to the store, I use arm n hammer kind. I also cut my own hair and trim my beard with the hair clippers, there are many vids on youtube how to cut your own hair.

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