Deja-vu and deja-vu like feeling

At times I’m not sure I didn’t become a completely different person for long chunks of time and that’s what the lie and conspiracy in my life has been. That I’'ve lived long episodes as someone else, someone who’s maintaned relationships, played in bands, worked jobs, accrued wealth, even bought a home and at his high point was driving a luxury car and playing monopoly with real money. Someone who helped hopeless kids to pass their GED, may have personally funded an indy rock tour at 13 year sold and become a man only to have his mind blakced out upon arival home. Only to go from there to worse whenever the electro-blue bandit kid took control from the heaven’s above. I have no idea, ships, missles, other people’s memories of ships, missles and nice ass cars. Terrible things, but really, terrible as in putting some punks head through a wall and keeping him as art under threat of whatever. You have no idea what you’re up against or are doing. The people who are doing this to me are 10 times the monsters that I purportedly, maybe, but no one will, admittedly, ever was. I was cool, I was crazy, I wasn’t me…so there…deal with that you apparently cannot because you are either stupid or subhuman (which I do not denegrate anyobody to) but it’s seemingly so.

It’s never too late on t3h internets to throw in a punch-line!

Club idea: dissociate associates?

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