Definitions for high functioning/low functioning?

What does this actually mean? Are there any defintions someone can link me to.
I feel like I am in the middle but I would like to know for sure.


Next time ask your psychiatrist.
They are pretty good at letting you know where you stand.

My psychiatrist feels that I’m high functioning but I feel that I’m more in the middle

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I wonder if there’s official definitions, medical ones.

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Perhaps better to think in terms of support needs?

I would think it is more of a spectrum. With low functioning meaning you need people to do everything for you and high functioning meaning you can do everything for yourself.

I think most schizophrenics are probably somewhere in between. They can function but need some help.

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Here is the GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning) table in the DSM IV. However, it has been replaced by the DSM-V with WHODAS 2.0.


Thank you YingYang. Thats exactly what I was hoping for. I am in the middle as I thought I would be. Thanks for confirming my beliefs.

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I feel like I am in the middle too, I can cook for myself, order groceries online, etc but I cant work. I think I can live on my own if I really have to but decided to stay with my parents.


my pdocs definition was , low functioning = your in and out of prison or the psych ward. and high functioning = you are not that. lol


Great graphic

I’m in the 90-81 range. Reading down that table I’ve been in the lowest categories at some point in life - like 3/4 years ago


GAF- based on no friends 41-50

I’m somewhere between 41 and 70 depending on the day

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