Day 10 of being back on meds

Day 10 of Prozac and being back on Olanzapine.

I’m still feeling anxious. Need to remember that I probably need a dose increase for both and simply more time for it to work.

Does anyone have any positive words regarding my situation? Anything to give me some hope. I just want to be better.


Yea when I went back on them I took extra at the beginning so that it builds up. I think that’s what they do when you first get to the hospital. Give you a higher dose then when you leave a maintenance dose. Don’t take my word for it tho.

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Things Will settle down again.

How long were you able to stay off meds?

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I stopped my AD on June 4th and stopped Olanzapine on July 4th. I started back on meds on August 2nd.

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I think I’m going to try the same thing.

Hopefully I have better luck.

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You’re going to try to stop taking all your meds?

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I think I will see how low I can get and potentially quit.

I’ve only tried once before reducing my meds but it didn’t work out because I started working part-time and the stress made me relapse.

I think in low stress situations I’m okay.


Not too much time has elapsed since you stopped. You just had a nice 2-month orbital flight. Atmosphere re-entry should be a bit rough but your capsule (mind) was designed to withstand the heat. You’ll be fine.


Unfortunately, and I can only speak for myself, but sometimes the anxiety doesn’t go away. I have GAD pretty bad. I take NAC and Ativan as needed for the anxiety, but it’s still very much present. Honestly, CBD flower is the best med I take for anxiety

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Yeah it’ll probably just take some time to get back to how you felt before. I used to get off my meds all the time. I went a month one time too.


Well whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best. Not 100% of people need meds for life but i’d say most do.

I hope so. Thanks Andrey.

I’m not expecting it to go away 100%. I just want it to be lowered significantly.

What made you start taking them again?


Sometimes life deals you a unmanagable hand. Failing to get off AP’s is more common than making it ofcourse.

Just learn from your experience, and maybe if you give it another go in the future you are better prepared and have a better plan.

Tapering real slow can be beneficial too. Like when I tried to taper this time I was at least one month on a dose before taking a cut. That way you can find out, that at least if you can’t quit all the way, you might very well be able to stay on a lower dose which is a huge win if you look at it right.

Anyways, I have tried to taper off a few times. It’s a big letdown not making it, but after a while I accept it and carry on. After all it’s just status quo.

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I’m staying on meds till the day I pass away. I thought I could do without them but I learned my lesson, the hard way.

Hope you’re doing well @Mr_Hope

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@Jonathan2 ,are you serious?
I think it’s big mistake doing it alone…
I’m kinda worried of that trend…:neutral_face:
Sorry ,I’m just worried,don’t know why…


How did things go for you? Seems like it wasn’t a complete disaster considering you’re completely coherent now. I’m not encouraging you to stay off the meds I’m just curious.

I remember one of your main complaints being the physical health problems that the meds cause. Karxt is going to be approved next month and it should be much better for people in that regard.

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Set a schedule for yourself so you have a routine and something to do.

Just so that U can keep your mind off of it.


I was doing fine for awhile but then my mental health started to decline and decline fast.

Just need to be patient and get a dose increase for both Prozac and Olanzapine.

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I started hearing voices in a way that I recognized was the beginning of a breakdown. They were loud and dark or deep.

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Sorry to hear that man. I don’t hear voices, just paranoia and delusions and anxiety/depression too (my anxiety is what bothers me the most)

Thanks for the replies!

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Thanks for the advice man. You’re right, having a set schedule would help me stay distracted from my symptoms.

How are you doing?