Damn, I was supposed to be cutting down on my Amazon spending

I made 85 purchases in 2024 and 84 the year before. That’s a lot! I am trying to cut down on my purchases to save money but I’m not doing very good at it. I spent $200 just on Christmas presents alone. And I had to have a good doormat for the front door entrance. $37. And last night I just couldn’t do without a brand new pair of house slippers. $27. Sigh, I’m going to slow down, only necessities from now on.


I had the urge to buy a clock and see I made one out of scarp.

Hopefully it keeps running I have changed the background to white and writing to black. If the clock Machine stops working will by a machine from Amazon. I have changed the battery hopefully everything works well.

I stuck white A4 paper and used parmanent marker for black writting.

Previously it was green glitter paper and white writting.


232 in 2023, and 174 in 2024… I need to cut back big time. It’s an addiction.

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I live quite a minimalist life these days

Years ago I used to frequent markets and car boot sales

Had loads of stuff

But sold it all

Helps keep the place tidy

Don’t beat yourself up too much, remember that Amazon is basically where people buy everything. So even though it seems like you bought too much Amazon, in the past you would have divided those purchases up amongst different stores but still bought the same amount. So IMO it’s not any better, just feels better in some ways.

Also, some dry goods and rare hot sauces can be purchased on Amazon. Also bulk spices, like Old Bay. I used to get this industrial sized tin of Old Bay from them for 10 dollars once every year or so when I lived in California. I feel like these are essentials since they are food and shouldn’t be regretted.

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I also need to cut back. I am buying from Amazon more, but I am also going into physical stores much less. Anything I can get on Amazon I have stopped purchasing in person.

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Amazon has gone downhill in terms of customer service and quality lately.
My dogs Vet opened my eyes to them.
She warned me about purchasing pet supplies on their site.
Usually their third party vendors suck and sell poor quality products.
A lot of their goods are knock offs made in China.
I recently cancelled my Amazon Store Card Account because of their dishonest practices.
I too order a lot of stuff from them but I will no longer be ordering from third party vendors.
I’m still waiting for an item I ordered 2 weeks ago and haven’t received it yet.
I contacted them to get a refund and they keep giving me the run around.
I’m not a happy camper.
I’m also a Prime member


You have to wait a long time now before you can get reimbursed for items you never received. I forgot how long but I had to wait quite a while for my refund. I did get my refund though


I also shop alot online at Amazon Cds Perfume oils and just recently bought a watch on there had a gift card to use towards it cut the price in half it helped alot I love shopping there for me its been all good experiences and fast delivery like a few days maybe the longest I have waited for an item was maybe 5 days but no longer than that But I do need to.limit my spending this month to just a fill up of gas in my car when it is low low on funds right now after having the missing in my car fixed

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amazon is probably where ive spent more money than anywhere else. i need to stop lol but the fast delivery and features of the membership keep reeling me in

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Me as well its addictive sometimes just like Facebook was for me for a long time don’t go there nearly as much as I used too now.


I have been spending too much on Amazon also lately.


I enjoy their ebooks and kindle. It’s cheaper and more portable than physical books.