Covid-19..... well this how i feel

We are now in a stay at home govermental order.I am feeling sad, and weak in thoughts. My gal , her son, and husband are all here and safe so far . He had bronchitus atm. she getting sick with brochitus her son and I are still healthy.
We as usual are struggling to be a whole unit … Like a mix matched family of sorts, but I am truly scared and very worried.
My abilify injection only works for 3 weeks i have booster pills of it to help me get thru, and I like the rest of you am having trouble coping with COVID-19 pandemic.
For there are so far found 5 people in town that have it.
I wish and hope we all survive this virus, and wish there was something I personnally could do to help everyone in this world survive it.
Saddly there isnt anything i can think of… please help me heart and whatever soul i have to be at peace thru this.


I hope you never get the virus. Same goes for your family. But bronchitis sucks too. How are they feeling now?

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They are struggling but I am doctoring them.

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If you can sew, hospitals are asking people to make cloth face masks for employees.

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I can sew but dont have sewing machine…

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I’m really nervous, anxious and depressed because of Coronavirus. I haven’t got the virus yet and I don’t know if I will get it, but I’m really worried. And I don’t know if I’ll see my family again. They live so far away. I feel trapped.


Can you video chat with your family? Maybe that’ll help a little to see them and talk to them.


Yes. I could do it.

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