Could SZs be better organised (politically etc.)?

There could be a serious wing committed to a more traditional civil liberties perspective, and a more visionary one dedicated to exploring and expounding the enlightenment dimension of psychosis. What do you think?

There is no enlightenment in psychosis,

It’s just delusions.

I feel like you’re over thinking and it’s not helping you recover.

It’s easy to say that but I know from what happened to me they were just as feasible as any religion that a lot of the worlds populations believe

No. I am pointing out that there are acceptable and unacceptable delusions you’re ‘allowed’ to have, and ones that are medicated

I have to agree, I feel like antipsychotics have effectively killed any mysticism I once had and I am now pretty dead spiritually. That being said, when I was psychotic, things happened very mystic and spiritual in nature to me and I know it was all just brain malfunction now.