Anybody make any cool purchases recently?
Today I ordered some Kenyan black tea “Kericho gold” to be exact. It’s the same tea I’d drink when I volunteered in Kenya. Along with it I ordered some Shea butter cause my skin has gone to sh*t… lol.
Anybody make any cool purchases recently?
Today I ordered some Kenyan black tea “Kericho gold” to be exact. It’s the same tea I’d drink when I volunteered in Kenya. Along with it I ordered some Shea butter cause my skin has gone to sh*t… lol.
I purchased some Saucony Jazz Original shoes this month. They’re grey and navy. I love em!
Oooooo!!! Did you find em at a thrift store? @Montezuma
I saved some money switching my car insurance to cover just a parked car. I can’t go anywhere now anyway so heck, I like money.
Haha no, they were on sale on Amazon. About 48 big ones after tax.
They’re super comfy and nice.
Niiiiice👌 @Montezuma
Haha I think everybody likes money!
Congrats on saving money! @PinCushion
I just bought a smoothie/juice maker off of Amazon. I’ve used it for the last 5 days and I’m pretty satisfied with it.
This morning I purchased sushi and a roast beef sandwich and ate them at the park and I even got a little walk in.
My friends in high school used to always encourage me to take a long walk on a short pier, but today I got my revenge and took a medium walk on a medium pier.
Glad the juicer is working out for you!
Hope you enjoyed that sushi and roast beef
Thanks, very much so.
I’m thrilled to be getting these comfy shorts from Forever 21 eventhough I am way older than 21. lol
Those are super cute!!!
And lmaoooo… thank goodness it’s not a requirement to be 21
I got 4 season of og uk top gear on vudu on sale. I think seasons 14-17.
Oh what’s that show about?! @lofifunk
Last week I picked up this Peavey Blazer 158 at my local Pawn Shop for $75.00.
It rocks out pretty nice. Here’s a stock photo of the amplifier. Mine looks identical…
Ah, I’m jealous you must know how to play guitar or bass? @Patrick
I’m self taught on guitar and piano. I enjoy songwriting. I can bang out a tune here and there.
Lucky you! @anon39054230
Me and the poster known as Zwolfgang on this forum put together this ballad I wrote. Z produced this classical version of it for me.
If you haven’t heard it before, here it is. It has almost 19,000 listens on Soundcloud!
Pretty surreal sounding. Congrats on almost 19,000 listens!