Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones blames 'psychosis' for Sandy Hook claims

or if you’re someone like Phil

when he tunes into Coast to Coast

he says it’s for entertainment.

Yes, Alex Jones is/was the host of Info Wars. He’s like a much more offensive version of David Icke, with a voice that could crack steel. Controversy gets ratings. Ratings bring in money. And he loves to be the centre of attention. If everybody just ignores him, maybe he’ll go away.

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I agree with you on the point that his investigation of Bohemian Grove was interesting. And, let’s face it, brave. But, somewhere along the track he became derailed. He had to come up with more and more controversy. His statements became more and more outrageous. Somebody had to say: “Enough! You’ve gone too far.” And that is what has finally what happened.

He wants to make money by surfing on this conspiracy fashion wave ; so he had to be more and more delusional and outrageous : this is a vicious circle.

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Yes, I totally agree.

I used to listen to Coast to Coast. It’s definitely entertaining. But, it’s a bit mad really. Eccentric, to put it mildly.

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@Ninjastar can you close this thread. It might be too triggering for some people ? Thanks in advance.


Hi @everhopeful

Can you explain which part of this thread you think is triggering? I think this thread is important.

I received a pm from a member saying that they were triggered by the thread. So it might be affecting people negatively.


Oh, okay. Thanks @everhopeful

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