Confessions of a real life psychiatrist I know

We have a certified, authentic psychiatrist within our family circle now.
She told my brother that Psych Hospitals were a big waste of time and most patients become sicker leaving the Hospital then entering the Hospital.
She said that you should really get admitted to a psych hospital ONLY when you pose a real danger to yourself or others.

I know from my experience that I was worse off mentally when I got out of the psych hospital the first time in 2016.

I respect her honesty.

Just something to think about.


I hated being in the ward the four times I was there. I don’t think I was a real danger, anyway.


I know this is off topic Wave but you were in my dreams last night smoking weed with my girlfriend… Very random.


Well I hated the psych ward as much as anybody but saying that the pysch ward was a waste of time in my case is not accurate. They put me on meds that brought me out of my delusions. I was very psychotic the last time I went into the psych ward. If it wasn’t for that involuntary committal, I would’ve went to the east coast and tried to find passage to Mecca.


Depends on hospital…


Ha that is funny @anon39015889
I don’t smoke weed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Best to move on tho.

I definitely thought the psych ward made me worse

But gotta move on and just think mostly
About your modern day mental health.


Cuz it’s the top priority

You can say it has everlasting damage. But no point on dwelling still. That’s how u move on/improve. Focusing on the present/future. Especially the present.


I agree with that. The mental health facility I was in back in 2004 was new (Only 9 years old at the time) and was almost like a vacation resort. gymnasium, billiard room,exercise room, tv’s and playstation, cafeteria with decent coffee, and it was a modern building, they gave us Christmas presents and pumpkins to carve at Halloween, the staff were great too, We were free to leave the ward and wonder around the facility. it gave me a sense of mental well being,. However the hospital psych wards I’ve been in made me miserable. One was a total hole.


The crappy run down psych hospital kept me on a very low dose of Risperdal, 1mg so when I got out I would remain psychotic and return there, and thats what happened to me.


Ya it was sooo soo random haha


Yeah dude. Hospitals are incredibly expensive and require a tremendous amount of resources.

But then there’s stories like this:

Robin Williams once checked himself in just for a ‘refresher’

Unfortunately he did not check himself in for a refresher when he died from suicide

So there is a tight line to walk

I generally try to stay out of hospitals cuz I like to keep the beds open for other people

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Yeah he was obviously a danger to himself.
He needed to go to the hospital

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I had a similar experience. I saw a lot of s*** in the psych ward and I came out feeling worse than when I went in. The doctors at our psych ward anyway, do a shity job

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So when to draw the line?

Sometimes people will get it wrong.

Switching from risperdone to geodon I was a mess & borderline hospital. Then I upped my meds and was OK. I haven’t been inpatient in 9 years.


I think @anon22846033 is right.
It depends on the Hospital.
But most of the hospitals here in my area are shitt holes.
The last hospital I was committed to kept the older patients longer because most of them had good insurance.

They kept me on an extremely low dose of Risperdal so I remain unstable.

The conditions were horrendous.


Wave, are you afraid that you gonna end in hospital. It sounds to me that behind this is fear. In that case, maybe you should consider making plans now for avoiding that scenario.
I meant when you get old.

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No I’m not worried about going to the hospital but I’m NEVER going back to that run down hell hole of a hospital again!

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For me, it wasn’t just the facilities, the people who worked there were crazier than the patients.

I heard a group therapist say things that were so rude and inappropriate to patients, because they just didn’t give a s*** about anybody. A**holes

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I’m sorry @Cragger

The environment where I stayed at was abusive.
The workers abused the patients including myself!

I collapsed there because of the abuse I endured.

I was rushed by ambulance to the ER

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Unreal. Why aren’t these people charged with abuse, and also why do they let it get to that point.? Psych nurses and doctors should have one week off per month, there must be a way to reduce their stress level so they don’t become abusive, as you say

All of them need to be in therapy