Clearing my head. Splitting up

Getting some rest and head space. I won’t be on here much this weekend.

I can’t go into all detail. But I am leaving my partner. I am currently away but when I go back on Monday I will be asking him to leave.

He is bullying the children. Particularly my eldest. And it is also putting me down. It’s emotional abuse and others have noticed. It has been going on quite some time.

My CMHT know. After he is gone on Monday I will be calling social services welfare. This is because of how he treats the boys. I don’t want to stop him seeing them but the visits will have to be supervised. I will also be taking him off our universal credit joint claim. Thankfully the flat is in my name.

Take care everyone. I’ll let you know how it goes.


Wishing y’all the best and hoping things work out @Qwerty


Thanks. I have asked him to leave in the past and he refused. This time my mother will be there. And if he refuses I will ring my dad and he will be forcebally removed by him.


well I wish you a peaceful break. sorry about all of this…sorry about the abuse too.


Sorry about your partner @Qwerty. I hope you can find someone better if that’s what you want. Hope things go better in the future.


You are doing a brave thing for yourself and your children. Be strong and know you are loved. PM me if you want to talk. I am here for you. We all are. Hugs. :heart:


Ty @sweetpotatopie I will PM you at some point. Probably Monday to let you know how it’s gone. Hugs to you.


Wishing you well Qwerty. Stay strong


Ty @MisterApple 1515151 how are the studies going ?

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Very well, I bombed a statistics assignment (50%) but my mathematics module is going very well. Good luck with your studies too!

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I’m sorry you’re going through this, @Qwerty . I hope everything goes smoothly, as much as possible. Sounds like a rough situation, but I’m glad you’re taking steps to make your life better and your kids’ lives better. :purple_heart:


Good luck @Qwerty


I can’t applaud you enough for doing the right thing for yourself and your children. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this, though. I hope it goes smoothly.


Feeling very guilty tonight cos of what I’ve allowed my son to be subjected to.

Feeling like an absaloute piece of ■■■■. I should have done this long ago.

@Qwerty It’s not easy to get out of an abusive relationship. I’m really impressed at how strong you are to do so now. You are teaching your kids to have self-worth. I think we all do the best we can as parents and as people in general. You’re getting out. Leave the rest in the past and be proud knowing that you DID get your kids and yourself out.

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well, its the night before the big day. I have been anxious and slightly paranoid. Im worried he will flip the roof and kill us all. Could be my illness, but i dont trust him. I feel very on edge.

i have a bit of time on my hands at the moment. So im going to vent. I believe me and my sons have been emotionally abused, and unfortunatly im only just coming to this realisation.

he critisies me in public, he tries to embarass me infront of people by saying things, and when i pull him up on it he says I cant take a joke and its just banter. Its constant and its affected my self esteem. He loves bringing up my past such as being ill with schizophrenia and the face i lived in a board and care even though i told him the past is the past leave it there.

He doesnt like me showing my son any affection. Even tries to guilt trip me for it. So my relationship with my son has suffered. He has refused to let us spend quality time together… making me deal with baby instead of being with my older son when he needs me hte most.

I found not age appropriate games on my sons switch which he put on there for him to play. I am so angry about this. He has been screaming at him, calling him names such as wimp, fanny. He tells me my son is going to grow up to be a manipulator and that its his fault baby isnt talking. He tries confusing me with money so he can spend behind my back…

These things im writing on here happen daily… sometimes multiple times a day. I feel like a ■■■■■■■ fool for staying in the relationship this long. Ive been taken for granted and taken for a ride. Im feeling alot of anger and guilt.


feeling quite unstable tonighjt if im honest.

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I should have told my psychiatric nurse and psychiatrist what was happening.

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Hope you the best @Qwerty

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