i have heard people do this.
its i feel kind of a stereotype of the illness. heard it in pop culture.
Sailors say ships seldom sank
But beehives behave bloody bank
Cause caucasians casually cheer
Dispatching dozens doltish deer
Eerie Easterners end events
Fictitiously folding four friends
Gee, General George goes gourmet
He hates ham however hurray
I intimately ingest insects
Just jubilate, jonesing jest
Koalas killed kidneys Kentucky
Low lavatory limbo land lucky
Maroon mermaids mold magic mead
No naysayers Nicaraguans need
Once openly owning one’s over
Pertains pretty parish paint plover
Queue quotas quixotical quench
Resplendent romantic raw ranch
Aquatical amber and after
True towers turn turquoise thereafter
Unanimously unbending U’s
Vile villas voraciously views
With wither whom Wilhelm why winks
Xenon x-factor x-pells x-antiques
You youthfully yell Yuri’s yacht
Zoological zebras zigzag.
(For want of a better word)