I’m really excited for it this year, it’s just something to look forward to after an all round failure of a year.
I’ve just got to shop for my son and then a few finishing presents like chocolates and toiletries for family members.
Im gonna cook the biggest turkey I can get my hands on, very excited for the food. I’m gonna do my online food shop in a few days to be delivered closer to Christmas.
Christmas brings out the best in almost everyone. For most, it’s a happy time of year. I think for some people it is tough, though. All the happiness underscores their unhappiness.
Looking forward to Christmas gonna see my grandchildren and my daughter. I also will celebrate my birthday. Started listening to Christmas music already, I’m excited.
I’ve already wrapped a ton of presents so far, can’t wait to wrap more. We usually put up decorations the week of Thanksgiving, so still a few weeks yet. But I’m already listening to Christmas music, and kinda watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. I’m excited for it.