Children? To have or not to have them

I’d rather have a life


Nah wouldn’t even want to take the risk of my son having schizophrenia,
Maybe if my life changes for the better and have a wife/
Financial security/ I’d adopt.


I think i’d be a great dad, i’d love to play with and teach my kids some really good lessons, pass on my humour and personality, my sz is almost gone now so it shouldn’t be a problem,

Its just meeting someone who i get along with, I hope it happens but i do worry about the future, my kids if i have any could help me out in old age, it would be sad if i had no family later in life.


If you are considering adoption, you might want to look into adopting an older kid. We have fostered babies and teenagers. We decided that we are far better suited to a teenager for the following reasons:

  • teenagers can be left alone while you run to the grocery store
  • teenagers can have conversations with you
  • teenagers can sleep through the night, and if they don’t, they still don’t need to wake you up
  • teenagers can tell you why they are upset and what will help them feel better
  • teenagers understand what is going on with their own personal story, and can tell you their thoughts on it

@Resilient1 Im sure youll find somebody in the church, I know it has with other people I know., Mayby come the fall season


You are so unselfish.I am thinking not having babies too.I can’t even take care of myself well

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Looking at the position I am in on the family tree, it seems mandatory that I have a male heir or a boy at least to pass on the family surname. I would like to have a wife and child if I could.


I don’t think it is unselfish thing, i think it’s just that I don’t know if i can do it or have the added stress, at least not for now…

Ok, I get what you are saying… sometimes though, but i just can’t quite understand it… im just happy i don’t have them at the moment…as i am not ready. maybe things will change maybe they won’t …

Every time I hear people talk about the best moments of their lives, the people with children always answer something about their kids. Like when they were born or some wholesome moment they had.


Fair enough, I still on the fence though… kids are not a 18 year responsibility they are a life time of work… to me … i don’t know if i could im still unsure

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Those kids eat every four hours or so as newborns so basically you sleep when they sleep


In my opinion and under my circumstances the greater gift is probably not giving the child a parent who didn’t want them… just saying its not fair …


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