Cracked me up
Lol!!! It’s better than the new Beyoncé/Eminem song “Walk on Water”
The grandma is hilarious.
I hope they make a Beyonce parody too.
Old people are funny in general. Yeah they may lose touch a little bit, but they have so much experience and wit from all those years. And most of the old people who are 90+ year olds didn’t dull their minds with too much alcohol and drugs so they’re clear headed aside from the fact they have negative cognitive affects of old age. Much respect to the elderly IMO!!
And a lot of them are much more in touch with the new generation than we give them credit for. I think they don’t wanna “lead on” that they approve of our generations below them. But they’re in the backdrop always observing +70 more years of experience before our generation was born.
I miss my Mimi! lol Thank you @Sarad