
theyre many forms of left wing ideologies. some of which dont use capital. and socialism isnt government run programs the definition of socialism is the public ownership of the means of production through worker co ops, and labour unions and stuff like that

and its much more than that , Socialism is that you are not looking to make the next buck on the grocery which would have probably saved an individual dying of starvation. He would rather postpone his next buck so that a life could have been saved from starvation.

Proof, please.

And they historically fail. People don’t want to work when there is no reward for it. Hell, I don’t want to work – I want to spend all day with my camera. No one wants to pay me to photograph frost, however.


I’m not trying to defend capitalism or socialism. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Our country is a hybrid of both. For the most part, IMO, it would be a better system if we reformed campaign finance and reduced some of our governmental bureaucracy.

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that again a pre-conceived notion. you dont have an understanding of Socialism.

Apart from that, every man treasures his hard work and your reasoning again is fallacy

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lol, oh that’s funny coming from you

coming from you, ill take that as a compliment

you have yet to make any arguments on why capitalism isnt bad, but yet you van tell other people they dont know what theyre talking about.

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Capitalism is an economic system, there is no morality behind it. People are not destined to exploit when under capitalism. You two are throwing out so much ■■■■■■■■ it’s amazing. And you’re both too dense to realize it.

They work spectacularly well in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Icelend and worked very well in the Soviet Union for 40 years

Once again, capitalism in and of itself is not necessarily bad. That local bakery down the street is a capitalistic venture. On the other hand, we see large oil companies using lobbyists and campaign money to gain an unfair advantage. Just like most things, there is good and bad in it.

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cause he has no arguments - apart from browbeat

I dig capitalism. I want more money and I want the chance to get it. I want new stereos, new TV’s, and all my favorite food. I say, give me the chance to get it and I will pay my taxes and support the economy in my small way.

who says socialism will not give you that? (apart form securities which on capitalism will screw you)

How much does a polarized debate about two systems of belief – two forms of idealism – have to do with improving the lot of one’s life when one could actually benefit from getting into some of this stuff below? (I mean, isn’t all this really just a lot of emotion-fueled, pseudo-intellectual, mental masturbation?)

(Likely guaranteeing that I can now count on the equally polarized True Believers in both camps here to join up with each other and attack me? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.)

Schematherapy –
Standard CBT – & scroll down
10 StEP –

(Not to worry. I’ll be over this cold soon, back to work, and too busy to bother with this stuff.)


I find that the majority of comments posted on the Internet, including mine, are just that.

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AGAIN - it comes from the sad misconception that Capitalism is the best form in which an individualistic desire is fulfilled, which is not the case at all. Your wish for a favorite TV , stereo or the favorite burger you desire is controlled by the capitalistic businessman paying the machinery (the government). In reality it is a structure created to show that you are getting a chance to be individualistic but its not the sad case there.

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its just a discussion on ones beliefs. nothing more. just curious to see how people feel about a belief that impacts your life on an everyday basis

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Socialism gave us Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. Capitalism governed by the system of checks and balances is what puts goods on the table and provides the best standard of living for everyone.

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