Can't sleep after taking Invega

Hello, I have not been able to sleep for 3 months straight after taking Invega Sustenna. I am becoming really scared cos I don’t know if it has caused me permanent brain damage. I never feel tired or even sleepy even tho I haven’t even got an hour of sleep in months. I feel alert and well rested which is weird. I am very angry and thinking about suing honestly. Because of this symptom I am deciding to not take the medicine anymore. Last month was my last injection. And I already tried explaining to my pdoc but all she does is give me sleeping pills which don’t work for me. I’ve been looking up this symptom and no one else seems to have it. Idk what’s going on.

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You mean you haven’t slept at all in 3 months?

Yes I haven’t slept at all haven’t been able to sleep

Wow that is definitely not healthy. How do you feel?

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I took Invega for a short while and it didn’t have that effect on me but Vylar did, I can’t sleep when I take it so I stopped and I have since gone back to normal. Have you ever tried melatonin? That helps me sleep when I can’t.

Surprisingly I feel normal and alert still which is weird I went to the doctors yesterday and tried explaining that I can’t sleep and it’s been 3 months but that didn’t believe me. I definitely think it’s the invega it should be sedating me but it’s doing the opposite.

Not yet but I want to I saw some melatonin gummies by a brand called Sundown hopefully that’ll help they have good reviews too.

Hi raddoll19 did u find something that will work cus I haven’t been to sleep in ,4 months since I took invega . I tired everything

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2-year old zombie thread