Can you take naps?

I’ve noticed since being on antipsychotics I cannot take a nap plus my sleep in general is just awful I wake up multiple times a night and I dream all the time can you take naps?

Took a nap today in fact. It’s been forever since I have

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I sleep a lot and take a nap everyday

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I’ve been taking naps daily for several months. I get to feeling sleepy and I am drawn inexorably to lie down. It is hard to get up and sometimes it’s an hour later. After the nap I usually continue to feel sleepy. Sometimes the nap depresses me.

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I’m on the couch a lot and sometimes I’ll doze off for a while.


I have the same feeling if I nap during the day. Sleep is not refreshing.
And even when I sleep 9h at night I still don’t have good energy and focus afterwards.

I oversleep on Risperdal and need coffee during the day to stay awake.

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I take 2 to 3 hour nap everytime i only sleep 5 to 6 hours at night.


I have a nap every now and then depending on what is going on. I like a good 30 minutes and it’s refreshing. Bit sleepy on the zyprexa but coffee usually gets me through.

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I’m not on sedating meds (though I have been in the past), and I’m just not much of a napper. I’ve noticed how it makes it harder to sleep at night when I nap, so I try to avoid doing so.

Me too @anon12381882

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I LOVE :heart: taking naps


I can but my naps tend to be 4 hours lol

How long have you been on meds? It could just be a temporary side effect.

I can take naps, but I usually nap for 1-3 hours, so I try not to do it often.

Yes, I can nap, but I don’t do it too often unless if I didn’t get much sleep from the previous night.


I’m a narcoleptic so my life consists of naps. I can literally sleep all day if I want. Usually I can sleep at night too but not lately for some reason. Lately I’ve developed real bad insomnia at night.

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I can’t nap on my AP either.

Sometimes I’ll take a nap in the afternoon if I’m feeling tired.

Don’t like to do it too much though, as it messes with my sleep schedule a bit.

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It’s not like it’s impossible for me to nap, I just don’t do it often.

I’ve been napping every day for a while now.