Can you solve the rubriks cube?

My son had asked me to show him how to solve 1 side of the cube and so I showed him. Then I told him that it’s time to learn to solve the whole cube and so I did. I learned the patterns and watched a few videos on youtube. It’s a lot of fun. I can now solve it all on my own in about 2min and 30sec. Now my goal is to get faster!!!


Lol I hate those things.

[throws cube at wall]
[it breaks into pieces]
There, solved it.


lol Its my sons fault I got addicted to it and now he has NO interest in learning it!

Haha they do that…

I’m useless at that kind of thing.

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I couldn’t solve a Rubiks cube even if my life depended on it. I barely know how to set the alarm on my clock radio to wake me up in the morning.

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I used to know. Isn’t there a trick, like doing the sides in a certain order? I can’t remember now. Yellow first? :blush:

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Used to be able to, but that was about thirty years ago.


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ahhh now I feel badly even asking… it was actually my younger son who got me started on the cube but I thought it would help my older son with sz learn to focus, concentrate and keep his mind busy but he isn’t ready yet. But he insist he will learn it so that’s a good sign.

It is the strangest thing, I was thinking about asking this same question earlier today. I can solve one in about 2 minutes also. Even though I have solved one many times, I still get some enjoyment solving it, or making different patterns.

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I learned a few years ago. My recored is 39 seconds.

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I heard on the radio a little while back that someone made a robot that could solve a rubrik’s cube in record time.

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I heard it’s the corners first then work on filling them in.


I used to solve it using an algorithm: first one side, then work on lateral sides, and finally the opposite side. I don’t remember the steps though, it was like 10-15 years ago.
Good luck convincing your older son to try it. It can be fun indeed and also challenging.


It would literally be easier for me to peel off all the stickers and replace them on the cube than it would be for me to solve it. I just don’t get those things.


No. I had friends who could though.

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Borrowed my daughter’s. Took me over an hour. Can probably do it faster next time as it was coming back at the end.


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Oh hell no! I actually once was trying to prove to someone that I could, so I went into my room, dismantled it and built it again solved. They were impressed… Those things give me a headache.


i could never solve it. its in my closet somewhere… i gave up…

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