Can you get a medical marijuana card if your schizo?

just wondering, if you can

I got mine for Aspergers. Its legal now here.

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That’s the worst idea I ever heard of. You know weed makes you paranoid right, pretty much the cause of schizophrenia.


really i thought weed calms you down. just wondering

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It does both. 15151

so is that no or can still get one if your schizo.

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I don’t live in America so I wouldn’t actually know, but it would be ridiculously irresponsible to do that.

Hey I love to smoke weed, but I relapsed because of it.
Still I do it every three months or so. Last time it was a bit scary because it started to seem like I was on a psychotic episode. And to remember things and be very sad.

I´m in no position to say don´t do it, but you shouldn´t

That’s kind of like Superman getting a card for a kryptonite dispensary.


marijuana is not bad its a plant from earth, tons of benefits, thats why they prescibe it. it be great if i can get one if allowed too.

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it should beneficial, because it calms the nerves and mind i think. idk wish knows the answer if schizo are qualified for a card.

Poison ivy is a plant from earth, doesn’t mean you should smoke it. Trust me, from personal experience I can tell you your quality of life will be significantly better if you didn’t. I could say that about people without sz. but people with sz? It’s a dangerous game.


As long as the marijuana contains zero THC then it’s ok but most weed contains at least some THC and this is a no go for most schizophrenics.

what happens if shizos smoke weed, do they go crazy paranoid. i thought weed was good for the brain.

Yep, its not designed for you. I learnt that the hard way. Weed is good for the brain is stoner talk. The reality is you will be lazy and motivationaless. Work a shitty job because you lose perspective about getting an education and achieve absolutely nothing in life because you can just become happy for free.

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My 86 year old Dad has a medical marijuana card lol
But he doesn’t have schizophrenia either.

Ever heard of arsenic? It’s all natural as well.


When I use marijuana, I have lsd-like experiences

what is that. never heard is better than weed.

For schizophrenics, not much worse.