I always liked feeling loose and more relaxed @everhopeful
Got told to do yoga might help my scoliosis.
I don’t do yoga, but I’ve been thinking of signing up for a tai chi class at my local Y.
My GP who is originally from India says Yoga and Meditation is good for are condition,so YES!
@Happy_H I have been doing Tai Chi since 2006 but for both Martial Arts and Relaxation, a lot of people don’t realize it is actually Martial Arts,but when you do it slowly it is known as the form Yin and Yang style I have DVD/YouTube for this hope info helps
I love my yoga classes. It’s like one hour stillness in my practice. I focus on my breathing and practice the poses. I love it.
I try to do yoga almost every night before bed. I’ve been doing it for the last fourteen years. I am 59 years old now and I still do it. I love it. I plan on practicing yoga up until the day I die.
danger for me was thinking i had done enough yoga and healthy living to quit psych meds
I injured my knees so I’ve started doing yoga as my main form of exercise. I was doing weights and kettlebell training so I’m used to hard work. Yoga is difficult, it makes me sweat!
I’m so proud of myself! I did a 10 minute morning yoga for beginners. It’s not much, but I feel all stretched out and nice. If anyone is interested:
I have found Tai chi very good thought about yoga but I haven’t signed up for a class