Call of the wild

Does anybody else ever get the feeling like they’re being called to run away? I feel like I’m getting messages from everywhere that tell me to leave and go somewhere. I don’t know where, though, maybe the woods? Does anybody else know what I’m talking about or have any experience with this?


I have seen couple of people who explore without meds and end in bad situations.
Anyways there are good humans to the rescue all the time.

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I guess it goes back to this delusion that there is some other world out there. That we are in one reality but that there is another.

I have a habit of running away usually to go live in the woods. The nsa tells me if i dont go they will hurt my mom and dogs. The cops always seem to find me and into the hospital i go. Back on meds and I am usually good for awhile.

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Theres massive universe’s out there , we are tiny like ants
Is good to do things like explore
But be careful of jeopardising what you already have
Its difficult to move away and start all over again i know cos i did that a lot when i was younger. Honestly be careful is all


i just read about a woman who wanted to do acid in the woods…she got lost and died out there.

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I sometimes feel an urge to just wander into the woods and disappear from society.
Live in a random cave or hollow tree trunk.


You got me curious. Could you post the article here?

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Look out for @Charles_Foster and husband

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Why, are they cannibals like you?

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Do you eat yoir toenails?

@anon47167357 . You don’t really need to be calling out members and trying to start trouble from an unrelated thread.

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Your right. Apologies @Bowens

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Only when I can’t get ahold of good protein.

Can you afford to move away though?

I’m not talking about moving away. I’m talking about running off into the woods to see if I cross over some threshold or see something or someone. Like something is calling me into the unknown.

Dont the native indians do that? Like a right of passage?

i can’t find the article, my wife saw it and told me about it…please…you are in dangerous waters thinking to leave for the woods…you could easily get lost and die…don’t do it !! @crazydiamond444

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K, but it just feels like I’m being called out there. Maybe I should just go camping?

Id love to go camping with you

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