Who else loves guacamole and avocado based dips? So creamy!!!
I like spicy guacamole with pita bread.
Pita bread sounds really good. I usually just use corn tortilla chips.
I’ve been eating Tostito’s green dip, it’s got these little red bits in it that add spiciness.
Shame on you for not liking guacamole in the first place!!
Just kidding.
Living in California, we eat a lot of avocados.
I’m glad you came around to them.
I like guacamole, but haven’t had any in years. Maybe 2003?
I think I used to be against it simply because it’s green.
Tis good. Minnesota changed me. I like cold winters now.
My grandparents grew up in Minnesota. They love the Vikings!
They were dairy farmers. I always think to myself is it even warm enough to farm in Minnesota? That sounds cold!
Lol! Yes! We have farms all over the place. Not necessarily crops but cattle, hogs, and chickens.
I was born here so I don’t know any different. California sounds plain scary with their rather predictable temps.
I love avocado toasts!!
Just bought three dark black and soft when you press on the skin Avocados. going to make some gwuack and dip it with some pita chips.
You’re not a true Californian until you eat sushi at least 4 times a week and have tofu for at least one meal per day.
While working on your tan.
I’m still pretty resistant to most California culinary styles, like putting inappropriate things on pizza or putting kale in your salad.
I come from a land of tobacco and hamburgers (northern Virginia).
Well, we’ll keep working on you until you can stand artichoke hearts on your pizza.
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