Brother engaged

I get the news through the grapevine that my brother is engaged. First thought is ‘finally! (he’s 40).’ hope he has kids soon, for the sake of my parents. dealing with an adult son with sz and a penchant for pot is sure to grow old after the 100th time. I am going to treasure being a brother-in-law. I like being a nephew, but being an uncle sounds pretty darn cool. hopefully, my brother will continue to be in my life; sometimes he is my only source of support (outside of parents). Congratulations, Brother.


I have a nephew-in-law. He is 29, and I bristle at the idea of being his uncle. I want no part of him.

what is your relationship like with your sibling?

Sorry if I wasn’t clear…this is my wife’s nephew, making him my nephew-in-law.

oh right… I haven’t had a new addition to my immediate family since, ever. I have an uncle-in-law but I don’t see him much.