My anxiety is definitely physical, too. It’s like there aren’t even anxious thoughts.
My AD works to a good extent on it, but I still need a benzo occasionally as an add on. Since TMS, my anxiety has been worse, so… more benzos, unfortunately.
There’s not one AD that’s worked on my depression, except for a bunch of months in 2012 when I went on an MAOI. I tried them again, and they just caused the anxiety.
Well, I’m going to read this book and try it. I will throw every tool I have at my issues to try and get better. And I’ll still need something to help once I do the ECT.
Right on. Mines more like an explosion of anxiety I thinks it’s called panic anxiety. It kinda just comes on for no reason. I just take propranolol as prn now and my anxiety goes poof. I only learned about it in 2020.
I’m good at managing my thoughts like ruminations or negative thinking or catastrophizng etc.
It’s all the combo of treatments that seems to help overall
I suggested to my pdoc in 2020 if I could try a beta blocker because my anxiety was basically physical. So she prescribed me a bunch. And it helps I was actually quite surprised it calmed me down. I just take it as needed not everyday
Same. The important thing for us to remember is that stuff won’t work on the first try, the tenth, or maybe even the hundredth. I know it took me a couple of months to be able to read a paragraph and then another to be able to read a page. I was reading a whole book inside of a month by the end of the first year, but I had to be relentless about it and not give up because the first one hundred tries wound up with me on my back in the ditch.
Same thing for getting meds to work. Same thing for finally getting therapy to work (the first tries bombed badly so I wrote it off leading to many years of unnecessary suffering).
We’re like a car stuck in the snow. Takes a lot of spinning tires, rocking back and forth, and eventually lots of others pushing to get us moving again.
BTW, I do know some ECT success stories so if your doc feels it’s worth a try, then give it a shot.
Thank you. Hugs back! I appreciate all of the support. And suggestions.
Hearing you’re treatment resistant (not that that’s a good thing) and have become so successful is very inspiring.
ECT helps, but it’s not a permanent solution. I will still need lots of tools at my disposal. I’m stubborn, like you are. I am determined to have a life that I’m proud of. That’s why I’m finally willing to do the ECT, even though I was opposed to it for years.
I have a week this week where I have to get my house cleaned because I have a friend visiting. I will have to employ your strategy of doing a little, over and over, in order to get it done. That’s why I’m starting tomorrow – giving myself a week. Then I need to find strategies to deal with having company when I feel like curling up and going to sleep. I just push myself, white knuckle it. But if there’s a better way, I’d like to find it. That’s why I asked about the CBT.
(I’m not working now, and I hate that… I want to get to a point where I can. I did a freelance job this past summer that almost killed me, and now it’s time to rethink what I do.)
Btw – that’s good to hear about reading. I can only read right now for short periods of time, a couple of pages, etc. And I used to be such an avid reader. I used to edit books for people.
I will try to read the CBT book in little bits today… and then bring it up to my therapist on Tuesday. I’m looking forward to it!