Blondes or Brunettes? [poll]

Blonde or Brunette Women
  • Blonde
  • Brunette

0 voters

I’m more attracted to blondes a lot more now. Are you? What’s your type? It’s just for fun and being silly.

What about redheads? Are women with jet black hair also brunettes?

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I would say no. Black hair is black. Brunette is brown. Also I totally would’ve chosen red if it was an option haha.


My favourite is long black hair or bright red hair and tattoos to go with it and body modification can look good too.

And black lipstick :lipstick: and gothic clothes.

That’s my favourite style .

Blondes and brunettes can look beautiful too and be stunning.

One of my girl crushes has long blonde hair.

My family prefer me blonde.

Blonde can be easy maintenance if you are not a natural and just doing foils.

I am red now but sun bleached it so I’m not bright in colour.

Hope to go brighter next hair dresser visit.

I am attracted to a woman’s personality and what chemistry you have and her aura etc but my favourite style is gothic and I also love coloured hair like pink or purple.



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Haha, I think we have the same type.

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Ha ha ha what great taste we have.:wink:

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I love long, dark brown hair, red, full lips, porcelain white, perfect skin and teeth, blue, green, or grey eyes, C cups, average height, normal BMI, female gender, lesbian or bi orientation, no tattoos and healthy.

I am a sucker for brunettes…blondes are great too though…my sister and niece is both died blonde and they are beautiful.

It doesnt matter for me.

Hair color isn’t a big thing for me. I kind of like redheads but it’s not as if I’m going to say ewwww if you have some other hair color.

Also, artificial colors really get my attention.

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My crush in middle school was a pale brunette.

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I chose Blonde, but I actually don’t mind either.

I also prefer Latino and Caucasian women. Icelandic women are gorgeous.

As an Indian I think I’m maybe hardwired to be attracted to Caucasian women, because they are of a different ethnic origin, and my children would have greater genetic diversity.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay im a brunette :wink: dont forget about us boisssssss

:smile: :smile: :smile:

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I like short hair and red colour. My hair is like this - short pixie cut dyed dark red.

I also like black and blonde and hair with streaks of blue or purple

I like unusual hairstyles :blush:

And for men I like long dark hair to shoulders or more

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I like all men. I mostly go for guys with dark hair/eyes but I’ve been known to crush on a cute blonde.

I kissed a goth once. Caught mono


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