Bipolar hypomania?

Can anyone who has schizoaffective or bipolar tell me what the mania or hypomania is like?

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hypomania for me is: excessively confident, high levels of motivation, easily distracted/multi tasking.
colors are brighter, everything seems amazing. agitated easily.
tons of ideas (good and bad especially if it costs money) . hypersexualility.

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I probably have undiagnosed bipolar II. I get hypomania when I’m off meds or not on a high enough dose. When I’m hypomanic I start lots of projects, feel extremely confident (I will dance in front of people completely sober, which I usually won’t even do if I’m shitfaced), talk faster, spend a lot of money, use a lot of drugs, get easily distracted, am very social and have a very high sex drive, etc. I will feel happy and sometimes euphoric for the first days, then I get very agitated and paranoid and anxious and angry after a while.

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I have that too

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Oh god i have a lot of craziness in my blood :fire:


Nope this is diagnosed with schizophrenia

Hypomania when its pure, and without depression (mixed) can be a wonderful euphoric experience.

I am more alert, keeping busy - everything is wonderful - feeling invincible and on top of the world.

I feel good and nothing seems to bring me down.

Music and colors are more vibrant and I feel a sense of ecstasy and joy.

Lately being purely Hypomanic is getting to be more rare and short lived.

I love my Hypomanic experiences :smile:

I also tend to act sillier during these moments.


for bipolar disorders please see this forum:

All the regular feelings get stronger and I can usually sense that the energy I feel is not normal, is unhealthy; agitation, you’re thinking faster, feeling high and powerful, less sleep…less eating…
You don’t necessarily need to feel happy or good, I almost never…I feel like my depressed zombified self just got a shot of energy and I know its unnatural.

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it may seem strange to put people into categories, such as what diagnosis fits them, but in the long run, it’s good for everyone, and good for this forum.

Wait for what you really suffer from, then find the right support group. Otherwise, you’re here for show.