Biological Psychiatry special issue highlights role of dopamine signaling in schizophrenia

Biological Psychiatry presents a special issue, “The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia”, dedicated to recent advances in understanding the role of dopamine signaling in schizophrenia. The issue, organized by Anissa Abi-Dargham, MD, of Stony Brook University, New York, and a deputy editor of Biological Psychiatry, compiles seven reviews that summarize current knowledge and provide new insights.

The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia has been revised numerous times since clinical observations first implicated the neurotransmitter decades ago, and dopamine alterations are some of the most well-established research findings in schizophrenia.

Read the full story here:


But they don’t have a clue till now …!!! hope they reach to conclusion Soon…!!!

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Abi-Dargham says in the article that several therapies are currently being studied, so I guess they have more than a clue regarding the dopamine hypothesis. We have to be patient…

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That means new drugs right…!! Or new therapies like Tdcs and Rtms bit confused…!!!
so I guess they have more than a clue regarding the dopamine hypothesis. We have to be patient…

100% we need to be patience right now …!!!

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She says “targeted therapies” so I’m not sure what it means, but probably something good :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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