Biohazard coffee?

Has anyone tried this? It supposedly is strong. i need something to get going.

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Iā€™m told that eating a fresh apple is a awakening.

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What really gives me energy in the morning is having a full night of sleep the night before. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Iā€™m just wondering if anyone tried it and how it was.

Biohazard coffee? Did someone take a giant sh!t in it? Sounds icky.



We get free coffee through Star Sister so we just take the free options. Iā€™ve never tried biohazard, but you can check caffeine informer.

Iā€™m a fiend with caffeine, but the name reminds me of colaā€™s ā€œJoltā€ or of beerā€™s Sam Adams ā€œWinter Lagerā€ sometimes taste suffers when they make these extreme versions. (Although, I like the Nitro at Starbucks.)

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After reading about it, doesnā€™t seem worth the cost or effort.

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Lmfao 151526262)

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