Bands you love!

Hey guys, what bands do you like? I like the smiths morrissey and some goth rock bands you?



  • Mew
  • New Radicals
  • The Killers
  • Lemon Jelly
  • The Fray


  • Gregg Alexander
  • Deadmau5
  • Teitur
  • Kim Larsen

Concrete blonde
Depeche mode
Pink floyd


I like a few Australian bands:

  • Powderfinger
  • ACDC
  • Crowded House
  • Silverchair

I also like:

  • Pink Flloyd
  • Metallica
  • Madonna

Just to name a few.

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Depeche mode
Duran Duran


I like Twenty One Pilots a lot, they have their own genre.

I like early Incubus albums where they did wacky science fiction rap rock. Before they moved on to ballads.


the xx

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I love this band for this song basically

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Infected Rain
A Perfect Circle
Tool (Undertow, Aenima and Lateralus albums, anyway)
A Killer’s Confession
Blue Felix
Righteous Vendetta (if live)

:metal: :metal:

I’ve seen those last five bands live, most of them multiple times, and they all are great live bands. Hell, I’ve seen Mushroomhead live about a dozen times.

I would love to see IR, APC and Tool; any one of those would be ■■■■■■■ amazing. I’d really like to see Rammstein live, given the production value of their shows, all the pyrotechnics and everything, not to mention they’re a legendary band.

I listed Righteous Vendetta as “if live,” because they are one of those bands who are better live than they are on cd, though I do like the two cd’s of theirs that I have. Their killer live performances put them into my favorites.

Rufus Wainwright
The Divine Comedy
Stina Nordenstam
Manic Street Preachers (except everything post Lifeblood)
The Verve (especially early psychedelic stuff)

Those are all my top tier bands/artists. Theres way more that I like on a casual level, but I’ve listened to all the albums of the above and know all their songs inside out.


My favourite band is Dead can Dance (an Australian duo)

Also like Coldplay and eighties and nineties bands like A-ha and Roxette and Duran Duran and the Cranberries

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I like little mix aswell.

Bruce Springsteen

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Shiit, I love metal.

Trivium’s putting out new stuff ATM.

Love suede too, i have seen them live loads of times! Your name starcrazy is a song from the coming up album? Love it!

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I like that alternative rock too, but geez it’s been awhile since I put on one of my many CD’s.

Lately, it’s all Chill Out playlists on You Tube.

Awesome! Glad Im not the only one on here who is a fan.
Id like to see them more. Been three times. I don’t really have friends with the same taste as me. Going alone is okay but difficult. How many times have you been?
And my name sure is from Coming Up :smile:

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Hi starcrazy, i have seen them live 12 or 13 times in dublin ireland, i saw them first in 1993 and every tour since, they are amazing, i was supposed to go and see them next month but that was called off which kind of sucks, but its ok!

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Oh you’re so lucky being that age! I wish so much I could have experienced early day Suede in person! Im only 29. They were my favourite band when I was 14 (2005ish) and it hasn’t changed since.

A few nights ago I was digging through old bootlegs and concerts on youtube from the Bernard era. Their live sound was so dope. Possibly sounds better than whats on record.

I need to make friends with more Suede fans so I have people to go their gigs with :smiley: