Bad time in the hospital

The system here is dumm broke :joy:

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The only thing I can think of why they changed your diagnoses is that your normal pdoc who had seen regularly changed you diagnoses and you heard from the on-duty psychiatrist as it was already in your medical notes.

wow ok this thread was over 9 days ago iā€™m late.
but yeah, different doctors.
different opinions.
iā€™ve been dxā€™s with almost every disorder out there.
even bpd.
but stick true to what you believe is the right fit for you.
hope all goes well for you.

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Heh. No worries. I did end up getting a 2nd opinion, psychotic disorder NOS. But they were talking about getting collateral interviews with my parents, and possibly ā€œupgradingā€ to schizophrenia. Iā€™m back on meds now, which for me is the most important thing


After getting out the psych ward in 2009 (treated for bipolar at the time and discharged with that diagnosis at the time) I was on too much qutiapine and kept falling over. I contacted my psychiatrist over and over regarding the matter but nothing was done. I ended up breaking my ankle falling over.

I lost my temper with this psychiatrist (had good reason due to broken ankle after a week of reaching out and nothing being done) and was immediately slapped with BPD

That is now off my medical records (this was abroad)I obviously donā€™t have BPD he was just a disgruntled doctor who was not happy with my behaviour.

It does happen. I am glad you are back on your medication as that is the most important thing and perhaps your parents can vouch for you. Fight for yourself and defiantly get the diagnosis ā€œupgradedā€ (ridiculous)

It will work itself out in time none the less.

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Brutal. Iā€™m so sorry :frowning: very close to my experiences. In all fairness, PD NOS was a provisional dx. Maybe upgrade isnā€™t the right word (reevaluate?) But Iā€™m just really happy thatā€™s an option for me.


Thank you. That was educational


So glad youā€™re back on meds again! I had NOS for about a year, before they switched me over to schizophrenia. Itā€™s really a placeholder diagnosis, while they watch you for further symptoms. But it allows them to treat you properly. It mostly exists for insurance reasons.


@Ninjastar definitely :heart: thank you for sharing! I was talking to my mom as a sort of informal historyā€¦ and I realised I have intense paranoia and negative symptoms going back almost 2 decades. Sz seems more likely, now.

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