Bacteria are ubiquitous, mostly free-living organisms often consisting of one biological cell. They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Wikipedia
I just knew what ubiquitous means then I forget when it shows up in a thread of my man Pedros. Huh fml. Lemme look deeper
we are all teachers bud
Yessss I read about this kinda stuff in selfish gene by Richard Dawkins. Would like to finish it now but Hella busy ATM
Same with experience. Experience is a great teacher
I have to admit I was a messer in high school I didn’t pay attention much
but now I desire to learn
No one wants to learn when you’re forced to
You may get beat up for that!!
There are a lot of types of bacteria, characterized in several ways.
Anaerobic vs aerobic
eubacteria vs archaebacteria
Gram positive vs gram negative
Harmful vs harmless vs beneficial
I had my own view and theories on life at the time 25 years ago
I had no insights. Just a blank empty carcass zombie walking around really. Maybe I had my thoughts. But they didn’t resonate with my whole picture. But now I realize there was a purpose for it to keep me humble, steady, and always learning. Yup.
That is what makes life so special we are all so unique
Different pasts and futures
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