You did a good job DrZen !
Those look really good.
Those look good @DrZen!
I ate something similar when I worked at a sports bar in high school.
We had jumbo hot dogs, so I would slice them open lengthwise, stuff them with shredded mozzarella/cheddar cheese, wrap them in bacon, use toothpicks to hold the bacon in place and then deep fry them.
It wasn’t something that was on the menu but they were tasty!
Those look delicious
We call that pigs in blanket.
My cholesterol level shot up just from looking at the picture.
I thought pigs in blanket were like a miniature corn dog?
Pigs in a blanket is where you take a biscuit roll it out and wrap it in the hot dog and bacon
So it’s a little bit of both! Intriguing yes it is!
Round here we wrap scallops in bacon and broil them.
We used to make the same thing but bake 'em. Known as “Texas Tommies” for some reason.
Looks delist @DrZen!
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