Aspergers is a type of schizophrenia?

According to this lady.

I am not diagnosed with either Aspergers or schizotypal but could be said to, at least, have traits of both .
I know several people here that have both diagnoses of ASD and schizophrenia .

When I mentioned Aspergers to my nurse practitioner she offered up schizotypal as an alternative explanation.

I think ASD can be comorbid with schizophrenia/schizotypal which,I agree, is not the same as saying Aspergers is a form of schizophrenia.


I imagine that presence of schizophrenia and IQ score are positively correlated. To me, Aspergers means “intelligent.” But sometime unable to function or process because of it.

Aspergers and Schizophrenia have some similarities.
Honestly I place little faith with the Diagnostic system.


I would have to agree with your viewpoint on this. I have had no review or anything in four years and it’s frustrating. I don’t think I have sz sometimes and they may have mis-diagnosed me.

I have given up coming off tablets as there is clearly something wrong with me, but whether the diagnosis is correct - I don’t think so. The meds seem to be a sledgehammer to many different things.

I have autism and I have schizophrenia. In my day to day living I’m confused with what is which because they are very similar in ways. I also have a good friend who also has schizophrenia and autism, so it does happen. Honestly though sometimes I feel that I just have schizophrenia or just have autism but then I see the different symptoms of both and realized which is which.

I have traits from both but was reading a website that says all aspies do not have empathy. The whole website seems to be an attack on aspies. I have empathy for others but seriously doubt what that website says about aspies not having empathy is true. For me it’s about being extremely sensitive to energy. Most people drive me crazy so there’s a strong desire to flee away from them.

I think people with ASD can lack cognitive empathy(ability to put oneself in another’s shoes) rather than emotional empathy. A lack of emotional empathy is more indicative of an antisocial personality disorder.

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I had an official diagnosis of aspergers and schizoaffective by a psychiatrist 9 years ago.
My current diagnosis is bipolar with anxiety.
That is not really true because I don’t have nothing wrong with me if I am medicated.

They are negatively correlated and the difference in mean IQ is pretty large.


Really? Woah lol

I have Aspergers and Schizophrenia. They share some similarities, but they are different.

They have similarities, but there are also huge differences. For one, people with schizophrenia are less responsive to outside stimuli than the general public. People with Aspberger’s respond more strongly to outside stimuli, mostly due to issues with sensory processing. I believe brains also look different in people with Aspberger’s vs schizophrenia. Autistic brains have about twice the normal amount of synaptic connections, and schizophrenic brains have a lower mass of gray matter.

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Autism and sz have some similarities but also many differences. The social struggling aspects is the biggest shared feature, but heightened sensitivity to stimuli is a common shared one as well. (High levels of dopamine for some reason makes sensory input more intense? Dunno why)

People with autism and people with sz also both live inside their own heads, and both can create very elaborate fantasy worlds. The big difference is that those with autism know this is just fantasy and those with sz do not…Furthermore APs are often used in treatment of both autistic and sz individuals, like risperidone which is thought to lessen aggressive urges in people with ASD.

People with autism differ from those with sz in
-Age of onset–>autism symptoms are fully presented from a very early age, while it is theorized that those with sz have some developmental differences as children it is not as extreme, and age of onset is typically in the late teens/adulthood

-Progression of illness–>Autism tends to either stay the same in severity or actually improve as the child gets older, while sz is a degenerative disease and will become worse without medical treatment to stabilize it

There are also some more specific things but that’s a whole other list. Studying the differences/connections between autism and sz has been interesting for me. Something that drives me crazy is the case of Jani and Bodi, the supposed “child schizophrenics” that present exactly the same as autistic children.

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