I can’t find any reliable evidence to support this claim my pdoc is making ? How can they be linked. He thinks my long remissions means autism is the only explanation.
I’ve also got an asd diagnosis and psychotic disorder and not sz. Im starting to think my drs think its related
Edit: for a long time i thought by diagnosis was sz (in the hospitals it is, but in the mental health registry at the clinic its always changed back to psychosis)
i saw a psychologist a couple months ago for SSI disability. He said i have autism, but he said i also have schizophrenia. he said the autism contributes to the schizophrenia because i cant judge peoples motives. So based on what he says i would think autism can cause paranoia. Ive wondered if i could have autism with psychosis because i was diagnosed with psychosis and schizophrenia so young, but so far every doctor since i was a kid said schizophrenia, this is the first one to add autism. i also wonder if i don’t actually have autism and the isolation from sz just murdered my social skills. idk if this is helpful, just thinking outloud about autism and sz. theyre prob related anyway
I read once that autism and sz share some genes. Also that autism develops way earlier than sz.
People are born with ASD but a huge anount of girls went undiagnosed because the symptoms are different and because it was thought it was a men only condition.
It’s so confusing to me.
Some docs I’ve met think it has something to do with my ASD (psychosis/psychotic symptoms) so they’re hesitant to diagnose something else
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