Area 51 storm

Is anyone here curious to see what’s going to happen? Or do you not care? I know the news already said the USAF will use gas, rubber bullets and arrest. But one of the signs on the property specifically says “you will be shot”.

People will do stupid things, and yes i believe they will be shot at with rubber bullets at a minimum if they do do it

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I waiting for some interesting news on my feed
but seem like nothing happened, saw only a meme

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It sounds like a party lmao


Rescue the aliens :alien:


It was a joke but a lot aretaking it seriously


I think some people will try and do it. But most wont. It’s too stupid and most people will have the sense not to do it. They’re not going to get through so why bother?

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Theyre just going to use a secret government weapon that can freeze clouds and cause them to fall on the crowd.

That or send them through a secret portal that cause dimension shift on the people going through.

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I prefer all the coverage of people taking the Storm Area 51 energy and turning it into Storm The Concentration Camps energy.



Mostly a meme, maybe some people get shot with rubber bullets and arrested. Probably won’t be a big deal.


Awe :heart_eyes_cat: good find @Moonbeam

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Can someone fill me in on this? Are people going to raid Area 51 ??

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They already shot a person there earlier this year.

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I’ve heard about this and it makes me laugh in a good way. When is this supposed to go down?

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Yes, there was a guy that jokingly posted an event for September 20th this year. It said “Raid area 51, they can’t stop all of us.” Like in the millions are supposed to attend.

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Area 51 raiders: “Can’t stop all of us”

Area 51 defenders: laughs in 50 caliber Gatlin gun


It’s more interesting than the Persian Gulf Crisis.

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