Id like a girlfriend who who
I recently found a girlfriend. Don’t lose hope Pedro.
I’m single, but being pursued by 2 friends.
Which one will it be? Have them duel for your good graces
I’m with someone. But I was single for along time.
I have a beautiful woman, I hope she sticks around with me for a long time
I’m single and always stalked by men I couldn’t tolerate, who don’t want me involved with anyone.
I’m married. My husband is a really good man
I got dumped a couple days b4. D :
Married but getting divorced
Oh, @Andrey, it’s not like that at all… I’m not consistent enough to be romantically involved. I think I must have come across as arrogant. Sorry about that.
I’m married. My marriage gets better with time.
I’m both single and involved with someone. Meaning that I am living with my intimate partner but we are not legally married.
I’m single. Considering going into a temporary relationship next year but not sure due to this and that. I am not able to commit to long term relationship by next year, this i know.
I’m blissfully single. I got used to living a solitary life, and I doubt if I could adjust to being in a relationship. I’ve been this way over forty years. I’m not going to change.
I have been single pretty much my whole life.
Not at all. In fact the same thing happened to me once. I wasn’t looking for a relationship but a couple of classmates were after me.
Gf for over 5 years now. Been great quite happy together. Before it i was also content being single. I could of just as easily been a nomadic drifter
I think I have a boyfriend.
I only met him last week.
Our Facebook says in a relationship so he is my boyfriend now.
No mucking about.
We moved quickly.
I like it that way.
I don’t like games like “hard to get” why pretend to be something and someone I’m not…