Are you on Social Media? And Why or why not?

I have an instagram account. I haven’t posted for months so I’m thinking of shutting it down.
Besides this space, I am not on any other platform. Facebook, what’s app, snap chat, etc. I have nothing to share on these platforms.

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I use to be on facebook but I deleted my account twice. Other than here, I’m not on social media. I do have a Parler account but I rarely look at it.

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@Bowens Is there a reason why you dont do social media?

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I like Instagram and get on it but I hate facebook never get on it


I don’t know. It doesn’t thrill me and I’m not very social. Facebook can really get on your nerves too. Back when I was psychotic (the first time I deleted my account) facebook was also contributing to my psychosis.


I tried Facebook, but ended up deleting my account. I mainly found it confusing and had trouble using it. This forum is the only social media I am on now.


2 years ago I signed up on facebook. I got bombarded with friend requests from people I once hung out with. A couple people were trying to troll me. Other then that I don’t want social security snooping into my business and getting the wrong impression. So I said see you later and deleted my profile at 3 weeks.


@Wantsome480 Yeah, thats kind of happening to me on instagram and I don’t like it. I’m now for sure gonna get off of Instagram. It also causes me anxiety.

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Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, are the main ones. Have a dis-used Parler account.


I have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts but I haven’t visited any of them in over 5 years and don’t plan to ever again unless some unforseen need arises. is the only social media I’m ever on.

As to why, I think Facebook is a form of thought police.

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Hmm. . .

Social Media.

The Pulse Of The Inner Working’s Of Current Culture’s Brain Function. . .

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :owl: :spider_web: :owl:

@Skinnyme Are you gonna leave the posts you made online forever when you did use them?


What do you mean?

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@SkinnyMe I meant are you gonna leave the accounts open, but not use them? Vs. Deleting all your social media accounts.


I have facebook. It’s great for keeping in touch with people I know overseas especially but I rarely if ever post anything. I do use the messenger and it’s good for things like the cricket club.


I don’t want to delete them. I don’t know how to delete them anyway. I will just leave them inactive.


I am, but careful. I have been getting trolled. It’s scary.


I have Facebook. I like to use it since I have moved around a lot and can keep it touch with people. It was helping feed my paranoia for a little while. I deleted it one time when I moved once to force me to get away from the computer.


I only use Facebook. I keep it because my auntie likes to see me on there and I enjoy reading her posts.

I don’t have any of my father’s family on it, as I’m estranged from them.


I have a Facebook and a Twitter account. Both allow me to post political articles & personal opinions about political matters.