Im not content I want a normal life
Nah not content. I often am worrying. I try to distract myself with hobbies.
I’m content. The best ever move I made was to move into a group home. I’m very happy.
I am not content at the moment. Marital strife. I am not backing down as I feel I’m in the right on this issue.
I am quite content with the way things are going. I hope they only get better.
Yes and no.
I’ve come a long way since my diagnosis.
Except for my ailing social skills, I’ve seen improvements in all major areas: energy, drive, focus, pleasure.
It’s up to me to keep the flame burning and I often delay making important changes in my lifestyle.
Not yet, I’m working on it though, I think most people will say no to this question whether sz or not.
Normally I’m pretty content. But not right this second.
I just kind of feel on edge.
The husband is leaving the kids and I for awhile on a work trip… I’m not looking forward to it.
I feel content enough, but I think I must not be.
It’s the opposite for me. Normally I’m not content but right now I am.
That’s kind of funny
Im content, but I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I too live in a mental health home. I’ve found that it helps alleviate the sense of isolation I felt when I was dx’ed but had no therapy. It helps just to have a few people around me. I don’t even have to interact with them. It’s good to have a little company.
Couldn’t have been said better
What is contentment in the context of fear?
Hardly. Being intro schizo is hard. Bored all the time. Even if I had friends it would just be a bored together situation. I need to start working, but winter just set in and ive got no transport right now. Got to kill january february march and maybe april until i can get motorbike license and start working
I’m content enough. Didn’t do much today though which sucks. Waiting on contacts to come in and a haircut on Friday so that’s turning into anxiety. I need to go to day treatment tomorrow. I also need to work on not wanting things. I used to be good at telling myself that I don’t need anything. I want to get back to that place.
I live in my own, comfortable apartment by myself. I’m independent and very happy and content.
No not very. too much worrying