I am content some of the time. Also I am not content most of the time.
I’m content some of the time despite having schizophrenia, if that’s what you mean.
No. I make sure I abuse it and push it further into a corner whenever possible. The more scared it is of coming near me, the better.
I’ve resigned to the fact of having it. Not necessarily content but have come to terms.
No I’m not content. I want my life back. At least so I’ll have the energy to work out and study. Perhaps have a job in the future.
I do my level best despite the mental health challenges.
Not diagnosed with sz but had delusions. I am comfortable where I am at with them now, on 15mg abilify.
I have SzA. I am frequently having a hard time with it. Almost always having symptoms of one kind or another. So, no, I am not content.
Fleeting moments and glimpsed light.
Never stays too long, but I’m cognoscenti to them.
I miss not having it. I don’t mind the latuda that much right now. I used to have more energy.
No, not really. I’m content for most things but not schizophrenia. I am absolutely not giving up, but this disease is a massive challenge I wish was never put on my shoulders.
I am content with it. Everytime l have an episode it’s like a little ray of sunshine on my dark mundane life.
I got in peace with my sz but I am better off without sz.
I’ve accepted that I have it. I like to beat on it and abuse it whenever I can. I like to be its bully. Friggin thing.
I am not content with my sz at all. But what are you going to do? I have it and have to accept it and try not to whine too much about it.
Yea, sure, whatever. I can’t trust my own brain fully. My family doesn’t trust me. The people at mental health are always questioning me. I’m on two aps and I still have breakthrough symptoms when I get stressed. Crap I don’t even think I’m that stressed and I get them. So it’s fine. I would be more content if I knew this nightmare was behind me.
Nah im not content with having sz
This is what keeps me going. For every crappy day that I could scream, there’s a moment in there somewhere that reminds me I am human. Little glimpses of Light shine through occasionally, and I sense the possibility of a better future. I hope I can make that so
I am diagnosed with bipolar and Schizoaffective but whatever my label is I try to fight back against this God forsaken disorder, it’s a constant battle or tug of war to see who wins on that given day.
It basically destroyed my life.
Yes I’m starting to become bitter even at my age.
I’m never really content.
I’m always in fighting mode.
I’ll always hate having it but I get content sometimes.