I have noticed that it is pretty quiet over there. I am worried.
They haven’t posted in the other forums, so maybe this is just a slow cycle?
I have noticed that it is pretty quiet over there. I am worried.
They haven’t posted in the other forums, so maybe this is just a slow cycle?
On the home page, the family and friends forum link directs to the old forum
At the top of the old forum, the new forum is mentioned, but it’s not bigger or super clear. 452 people have clicked that post. Of those, 101 have clicked over to the new forum where chances are they were like me and didn’t realize their old password didn’t work until they e-mailed admin. This is mentioned in the post and maybe most family members do not have MI like me and can follow complex directions
I wonder whether that home page could link to the new forum with a big giant thing to make a new password at the top…
I am currently having more overt symptoms than my family member with sz, so there needs to be another forum for people with sz whose family members have other severe MI JK
The top post in the old Family forum is a link to the new one, so I’d hope that they would see it if they’re looking in the old place.
I kind of wonder just how much of the traffic there was from the Diagnosed side.
My guess would be that there are far, far fewer family members that were coming to these forums than people diagnosed with a psychotic disorder / think they might have one.
I think the number of carers/family members that transitioned over from the previous software was fairly low anyway. I seem to recall sz admin confirming this. It could be that reduced members not withstanding carers/family members were reluctant to post while the family forum was here because of a minority of diagnosed posters. It also may be that people looked at posts but didn’t join to post for the same reason.
It is early days in the transition to a separate forum for carers/family and it may take time for it to filter through that it’s a safer place to post.
It would be nice if it could be acknowledged somewhere that them posting here wasn’t always nice for us, either, so I guess I will do it. Posts about how awful a SZ is acting and omg why hasn’t the injection they got 2 days ago cured them yet, yeah I can do without those, because it makes me feel like I need to post for the love of god hoping they won’t stress the ■■■■ out of their SZ loved one with their unrealistic and ignorant expectations.
There were some sweethearts that I saw, too, and I wish them all the best.
I’ve fixed this.
We’ll work on redirecting people to the new forum if they accidentally post in the fold family portion - then soon we’ll delete all the old family category and posts - so its clearer.
And - some good suggestions about notifying users to create a new password, etc.
Thanks for the input.
That being said, there are those of us with SZ/A who are wondering when we are going to receive the same consideration Family and Caregivers have… Namely, a peer support forum that is intended for us, not everyone who feels like dropping in. That is still a point of contention and it would be very nice if certain commitments were followed through on.
Ping: @SzAdmin? Hello? Bueller?
Sorry - i’m not really good at multi-tasking. I want to make sure I’ve done one thing right - and make sure its working, then I move to the next. I’m still working on the transition of the family forums.
Oh Pixel, I was making a joke and I’m sorry I touched a sore spot…
(My MI was initially dx’ed as sz if that is relevant…)
What’s good for the goose is also good for the gander. Just sayin’.
Hmmm… I’ve tried it in the past, I need to try it again, i agree.
I’m trying to find the Family section, and I’d appreciate some help. Thank you.
It’s at http://family.schizophrenia.com - if you’ve posted there before, you already have an account, but you’ll need to click “forgot password” and reset it. If you’ve never posted there before, you’ll need to create a new account.
maybe you could pin this somewhere idk, i’d hate if families couldn’t see where the can post.
I wish my family would go there. I’ve given them the opportunity twice. Maybe they have and I don’t know it. Maybe they still think I’m well.
I tried to post in the new Family Forum. It doesn’t accept my sign in from the old one, and it won’t allow me to use my “Hatty” name. I have to be “Hatty2.” Not playing.
Oops, no. I think i must have changed my own password at some point, or something. Anyway, I’m in now.
Not sure what happened, there is no link to the family section from schizophrenia.com that I could find. Thanks for all the help, I feel bad for the new people that will have a hard time finding this forum.
It’s been moved to the link below to help keep the Diagnosed out of Family and vice versa. Thanks for insulting all of the Diagnosed on this side of the forums in your ignorant post that I just had to remove.
The new link was plain to see at the schizophrenia.com main page if you had bothered to look. You will probably have to reset your password as that got messed up in the database move to a separate server. Message @SzAdmin if you need help with that.
In the meantime, please feel free to stay out of our side of the forums in the future. Your backwards attitude isn’t welcome here.
Volunteer moderator.