Are schizophrenics guilty if they dont constantly try everthing to recover?

It seems just in the recent years people are changing from not putting blame on the schizophrenic to now blaming them if they dont try.

Poeple with depression get more innocence that they have a medicall condition and they cant just try thier way out of it or they are not trying enough.

I think all mentally ill people experience this stigma. It’s that “why can’t you just snap out of it” attitude.


I’ve never heard anyone say we weren’t trying hard enough. I’ve heard you made bad choices in your life.
I have researched all kinds of supplements and dopamine and acytlcholine etc…to my eyes and food and gut biom.

yes it’s very frustrating. After all the research I’ve done the last thing I need is some Joe Shmuck lecturing me about my mental health.

Like this shizz is personal okay don’t criticize me for opening up when you asked me the questions it’s hippocracy.

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I don’t expect people to “snap out of it”. I do expect those I surround myself with to strive for whatever recovery they can accomplish in the day they’re in (with the occasional day off allowed). I don’t hang around with people who have a “poor me” mindset as I find them toxic to my own personal recovery.

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Yeah it takes a lot of work to recover and everyone works on a different pace. I also have had to cut off toxic relationships and since I have set those boundaries I feel a lot better :smiley:

It seems you are stigmatizing some schizophrenics with a poor me attitude.

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When I recover a bit I find toxic poeple to me are ones I just dont get along with all the time.

At times they are toxic.

Somtimes poeple who have high opinions over others seem toxic to me but at times I can get along with them.

All in all I dont think schizophrenics are guilty if they dont recover, as long as they have the care they need and wont harm themselves or others.

It is hard for me as a schizophrenic to put guilt on another schizophrenic if they dont reach the recovery I have.

Yes, I think someone is at fault if they don’t even try to recover. The exception would be if they’re too far down the rabbit hole to even understand what is happening. This is a very difficult illness to deal with, but we always need to be pushing to recover. Some people slip up every now and then, and that’s okay. We can’t be perfect 100% of the time. But we need to at least keep trying. When people give up, they lose all hope of improving.

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I think this is become the new way to deal with schizophrenics

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I think sometimes people need some tough love. If someone is trying, but not making any progress, at least they’re trying. If someone totally gives up, they need something more than sympathy. They need a gentle push back on the path of recovery.


What was the tough love that helped you?

Getting kicked out and becoming homeless. It sucked, but I learned to actually start trying instead of just lying in bed all day.

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What did you try meds, or cbt or somthing?

I finally admitted something was wrong with me and went to the psych hospital. That was after a few months living out of my car.

So then they you started medication?

Yeah, and for the first time in my life I actually agreed to take it. That was me trying.

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Its the system’s fault. We don’t have good meds and we’re basically using the same meds we were given in the 1950s. And the “newer” better meds make you gain hundreds of pounds and sleep all day.

People stigmatize themselves with that attitude, I’m just pointing it out.

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If that’s your way of being supportive