Sure! Totally agree
But people without this illness could be hot as well
Sure! Totally agree
But people without this illness could be hot as well
Like as in …during the summer time???
Lite up a cig when two people start arguing
They must
Everyday of the year
We are hotter … The normals know it to…telling a woman I’m schizobipolar works everytime …
Plus they don’t stay an eat your food … WINNING!!
Lol. So ■■■■■■■ funny
my partner seems to think so, we have been together 10 years but 8 of them ive been sick
I promise myself that WHEN I get back in shape I’m going to get myself a t-shirt I once saw, it says: “I put the hot in psychotic”
hey man are you a crip loc?
Nope 15 characters
I kind of have a soft spot for SZ girls, wanting to heal them like I healed myself, but to be honest I would like a reasonably healthy and strong partner.
i like this post. i have went schizo paranoid psycho on a girl i like a lot numerous times and i swear she loves it despite threatening to file a police report if i don’t stop talking to her. guess you could say I’m CRAZY about her hahahahahha
I embrace my illness
I always tell women, “Hey baby, once you go schizo you never go back”.
Everyone get this joke or do I need to explain?
lol @77nick77 You always make me laugh.
Dunno if the schizo diagnosis has made me hotter. But I met my girlfriend after beckoming sick.
And the diagnosis came up at our first date for some reason. 2 years down the road and gettin married this September.
I agree. Why not?
Schizo women are so hot, all you have to do is look at all the hotties in the selfie thread. Guys are hot too
That would explain why I’ve dated so many
There’s nothing hot about having mi