Does anyone have any thoughts on such??
I do AA by Zoom now. Can’t attend meetings in person for health reasons.
I attend MA on chip days. My next is six months.
What about us here tho?? It might be really cool if we could have some zooms u know?
I generally prefer asynchronous communication. I only attend AA in person as a matter of necessity.
I like zooms .
i kinda feel in person support groups are less safe for many folk… And too much trouble comes from them… Romantic lives as well as many aspects of lives are ruined in them too often from predators.
Zoom is better for safety in support groups in my opinion.
Less smog in the air from travel too. Im glad for zooms.
Principal advantages:
- No driving on dangerous, icy winter roads.
- No need to walk over icy sidewalks.
- No stanky church basements.
- No arse biting cheap chairs.
- No AA coffee which is so bad it’s served in purgatory.
- You can see different people every meeting if you want.
- No safety risk from weirdos.
Principal disadvantage:
- There are very rare occasions when I actually need a hug. Been having one of those months.
NAMI in my area has Zoom support groups. Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays.
Ty I agree!!! Did you put this list together @shutterbug
Have you been reflecting this as well??
I been saying from the get go…
Especially about smog & safety from predators… whether theyre lost or intentionally are creeps or not…
I like your points about safer travel conditions saving lives & bodily harm.
Saves resources in rent money from renting a basement or a hall… So people can save resources to eat, or provide further enrichments too…
It’s a list I keep in my head and have to repeat to other old timers who give me waggy finger because I’m not risking my life at F2F meetings now.
“Oh, shut up. Drama queen.”
The truth is that I’m going to stay with Zoom meetings when the pandemic is done. I’m a misanthrope when it comes to socializing in person so Zoom just fits me better. That, and I have good espresso maker at home, don’t see why I want to experience meeting coffee ever again. Naaasssty.
I really haven’t had good luck getting zoom to work. I don’t have a computer, just a smartphone. I’m happy with the forum the way it is.
I prefer the anonymity of the forum over zoom where you show your face and they hear your voice.
what’s MA?
Marijuana Anonymous
I figure that would be many peoples reason for favoring no zoom for us.
I cant smoke that stuff either bro.
Most sz can’t. There are a few here who swear by it, I just have to avoid their comments about how great it is. Today makes 165 days clean.
Awesome!! I feel the struggle of addiction traits too…
Ive been in recovery since i was a teen…
Im grateful i quit in my early 20s… I was so fried tho bro… I was in and out of insitutions for even 10 years with no booze or street drugs…
Im a damaged monkey bro… Lotsa stuff from childhood … My childhood county has the highest child trauma rates in the state of Cal.