I will be tuning in. Love formula 1. I would love to go to a race one day
I hate to say this, but I’d rather watch paint dry. Formula 1 seems so boring for me.
But maybe most things are boring for me now
I hear you buddy. I used to hate f1 20 years ago.
In all honesty don’t know how I ended up loving the sport. Think I must have watched one exciting race and got hooked.
Thing is with formula 1 the teams with the mostd money generally have the fastest cars. So the championship is dominated by two or three teams.
But when you watch enough you learn to appreciate the battles between like the 4th and 5th placed teams. In fact the tv coverage usually shows more of those cars as for instance Lewis Hamiltonian’s Mercedes might be so far in front it is boring to watch
You can! BBC2 has the snooker on all evening too.
Oh lord, I tune twice to watch the race and both of the times they were on the pits.
The track is great but I don’t like waiting for the race once it started.
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