Anyone want a chat?

Anyone want a chat? Up early hours and bored.

I clicked on your Avatar and see from your Bio, you joined the forum right around the time Covid-19 was hitting the scene.

Was this just a coincidence?

Yeah coincidence. What time is it where u are?

…eastern Canada

Night time then. It’s 3.43 am here in the U.K.

Got any Christmas shopping done yet?

Hi Star. How are you feeling?

A bit. Bought stuff for nieces and nephews. How about you?

Feeling quite demotivated and need a shower. How about u?

I’m a last minute kinda shopper.

I’ll stop in at a 24 hour Gas Station on Christmas Eve and buy my Dad a snow brush for his car.

Ahhh yeah, I know that feeling. I’m feeling decent. I made a killer dinner. Now I’m just relaxing with my kitty and listening to the radio.

I also need to shower.

I was always last minute till I discovered buying stuff on internet.

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What did u gave for dinner? I had fish and chips.

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My daughters buy stuff on-line. I don’t even own a phone…I’m a caveman.

Yummy! I made a meatloaf. I had some of that with some corn.

You must have laptop to be on this forum.

Nice. I have two steak’s in fridge

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A sit-down desk top computer.

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Gonna hit the sack. Nice chatting for a bit. Night folks…

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Good night. Sleep well.

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